Shiny Things
Christmas parties, cookies, gifts, trees, ornaments, decorations, church programs, lights, etc. Maybe a pause on Christmas day to read a passage in Luke about a baby Jesus who came, a quick prayer, then mad dash to open gifts and eat. Then its over, just like that, and you're left wondering in your gut, "What was all this about really?"
This is not a guilt trip, life happens, and it’s hard to ignore all the shiny things, all the Pinterest inspirations, all the expectations and memories you want to make for your kids. But how can we be intentional this year, right now, to slow down, and focus on what’s important as priority and the shiny things as secondary.
Let’s Do Advent Together This Year! The word Advent means “coming”, so during the weeks leading up to Christmas we look back remembering Christ’s coming in celebration, at the same time looking forward in anticipation to the coming of Christ’s kingdom when he returns.
I need this. Don’t you? Let’s link arms with other women in our community, let’s pray for each other, memorize and meditate on scripture together. Won’t you join me in turning our attentions and affections toward the only One who is worthy to have them?
Join us here, every Monday leading up to Christmas for a Weekly devotional as we set our minds toward the truths that Christ was born.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Christ Is Born
Born to Reign
Born to Die
Born to Return
Together we will center our hearts on a particular passage to memorize and meditate on throughout the week. For email subscribers, each Monday you will receive the entire devotional in your inbox with a free printable to download and helpful tips for memorizing scriptures and meditating.
Not a email subscriber? Subscribe today in the box below.
(When you subscribe today, you will receive your first free printable (pictured above) the next day. Then the weekly printable on Mondays leading up to Christmas)
Don’t do it alone. Share this with someone to do together. Encourage the young ladies you disciple or others in your small group - the accountability will be great and such a encouragement to share what the Lord is revealing to you about the passage through out the week. Memorize them with your kids throughout the week, its a great way to get them involved, and emphasizing what this season is all about.
Don't forget to share on social media using the hashtag #adventtogether!